
Amura’s game-changing Account-based Marketing strategy and end-to-end HubSpot integration assisted us in reaching our sales and marketing goals.

Supriya Jadhav

Associate Director - Marketing, enParadigm

From strategic planning, media buying, to MarTech integration, Amura's well-rounded approach helped us scale our brand exponentially in the last six months.

Karan Malhotra

Head of Marketing, Consumer Electronics Brand

Amura’s game-changing Account-based Marketing strategy and end-to-end HubSpot integration assisted us in reaching our sales and marketing goals.

Supriya Jadhav

Associate Director - Marketing, enParadigm


7 LinkedIn Growth Hacking Strategies to Grow Your Business

7 LinkedIn Growth Hacking Strategies to Grow Your Business

Category: Growth Marketing

Author: Team Amura

Date Created: 16 Dec 2020

As we know that the marketing landscape is changing very fast, brands need to adopt new ways to boost engagement. One such kind is marketing our business on the social media platform. Whenever we think about social media, we often talk about Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. However, LinkedIn may not appreciate all as there is no better way to brand your business other than on LinkedIn. It is a growth marketing agency where one can connect with top business executives and other brand leaders who can get you a paycheque, and build brand awareness and relationships with clients.

Posting contents and participating in business webinars, discussions, or virtual meetups on various industry’s on-going projects are few of the LinkedIn growth strategies. There are articles by business leaders that can use LinkedIn to grow their email marketing to reach 2000 – 3000 + people depending on the articles.

There are various ways by which the growth hacking LinkedIn can help businesses to drive qualified and targeted traffic to their websites and apps, and also help them to improve conversions, generate leads, automate their systems and increase their revenue:

  • 1.

    Usage Of Keywords

One can use keywords to make their search and LinkedIn growth strategy a boost where brand marketers, recruiters, CEOs, etc. can make followers of LinkedIn such as job seekers, individuals, engineers, designers, etc. aware of any on-going trending topics or jobs availability.

Usage of keywords
Usage of keywords
  • 2.

    Goodbye To Business Cards Instead Connect On LinkedIn

There were times when swapping business cards with your company’s logo. Your designation would make your clients impressed but gone those days as now connecting via LinkedIn, the growing business platform has impacted and has surged the company’s business growths. Over LinkedIn growth strategy is also the way it works, i.e. by simply sending an invite on LinkedIn with a message drop saying “It was a pleasure to meet you at [add the place you met] if you don’t mind can we stay in touch to expand our business horizons”. This simple approach would increase the growth of our marketing agencies and would lead to stronger client connections that will lead to the finalising of the deals with more rocket sales.

Goodbye to business cards instead connect on LinkedIn
Goodbye to business cards instead connect on LinkedIn
  • 3.

    Cold Pitch The LinkedIn Growth Strategy

With the growth of hacking LinkedIn, there is no need to go and visit the places and sell or market the products or technologies but can be cold pitched to clients found on LinkedIn whom we have never met.

Cold pitch the LinkedIn growth strategy
Cold pitch the LinkedIn growth strategy
  • 4.

    Post, Share And #Hashtag Contents On LinkedIn

Publishing an article or post over LinkedIn, increases the growth strategies adding the rich media content to your profile, while also increasing the odds that you can stay on your contacts’ radar. The use of hashtags would boost the growth strategy that needs a plan specifically for LinkedIn to give you the consumer reach and results you want and appeal to your connections and other businesses. The sale pitches and advertising doesn’t work well on LinkedIn.

Post, share and #hashtag contents on LinkedIn
Post, share and #hashtag contents on LinkedIn
  • 5.

    Boost Engagement

Here are some data that provides insights on how LinkedIn boosts engagement for posts:

  • The LinkedIn post, with links receiving up to 45% has more engagement.
  • LinkedIn Images see an incredible 98% increase in engagement when posted.
  • The LinkedIn posts with relevant “best-of” lists get almost 40% more amplification when shared.
Boost engagement
Boost engagement
  • 6.

    Content To Share Regularly

If you increase the number of posts on LinkedIn, which will increase the number of readers, further increasing the growth marketing agency. The companies must have their LinkedIn pages which they need to consistently update to ensure that visitors or clients have plenty of new content to consume and share. It is advised to post your contents regularly, especially when you have something new to share with the world. Consistently posting shows the company’s growth hacking LinkedIn page and shows to your visitors that your company is active on LinkedIn.

Content to share regularly
Content to share regularly
  • 7.

    Gear-Up LinkedIn, Twitter And Instagram Together

With the increasing engagement of digital platforms, human marketing schemes are minimal now. As of now, whether hard or soft sells are all on LinkedIn. The strategy to follow on LinkedIn is to send a cold pitch to someone you have connected with on LinkedIn but never met; instead, one can connect socially with them on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook. These platforms could make us understand them better. In the long run, following these social media platforms and optimising the contents and sharing them would help us in growth hacking LinkedIn and building stronger relationships with the clients leading to more sales and revenue.

Gear-up LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram together
Gear-up LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram together

So posting on LinkedIn is the best way to promote business by a growth marketing agency and grow your clients. Embedding your company follow button onto your website will make your visitors follow your LinkedIn company page easily. Amura is your one-stop solution for your company; it is a growth marketing agency that provides 360-solution that is customised for every client.