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Associate Director - Marketing, enParadigm


What Is Direct Marketing In The Insurance Industry? How It Can Help You To Generate Leads

What Is Direct Marketing In The Insurance Industry? How It Can Help You To Generate Leads

Category: Insurance Marketing

Author: Team Amura

Date Created: 03 Sep 2020

What Is Direct Marketing?

One of the crucial dilemmas consumers face today is choosing from the plethora of options present on their plates. The internet has paved the way to reach millions of customers with just a few clicks. This gives marketers a broad playing field. Hence, consumers are flooded with numerous marketing messages. The only thing that is missing here is a personal touch. Direct marketing can fill this gap. In the insurance sector, it is one of the most reliable and cost-effective marketing tools. It helps to generate quality leads for insurance agents.

There are several types of direct marketing tools that can be used for insurance marketing campaigns. Some of the most prominent ones that are frequently used include direct mail postcards and letters. Direct marketing tools help to build trust among the customers as it involves serious financial deals.

What Makes Direct Marketing Different?

What makes direct marketing different from other popular digital marketing tools? First and foremost is the level of personal touch. It is lacking in digital channels compared to traditional direct marketing tools.

Traditional mail is considered more trustworthy and secure. It is free from digital loopholes. As per research reports, more than 70% of prospects prefer to receive insurance messages vial traditional mail. In this era of growing digital buzz, sending letters makes you stand out from the crowd. Moreover, it shows how much you care about your customers.

Traditional mail allows for a high level of personalisation and customisation of messages. Customers appreciate these personalised details. Hence, it is received very well. Further, the response rate for traditional letters is far higher than that of emails and other digital mediums. The response rate for traditional mails is 5%, while it is 0.6% for emails. This gives insurance companies using direct mail marketing an edge over their competitors.

Also read: 5 Easy Steps to Creating a Digital Marketing Plan for the Insurance Industry

One important thing to note here is that you need to find the best price to quality ratio for your marketing campaigns. Insurance direct mail marketing is undoubtedly the best tactic for your marketing ROI.

direct marketing
direct marketing

Optimising Direct Marketing for Lead Generation

Insurance direct mail marketing can be tricky as it deals with high-value customers that need hyper-personalisation of services. The best thing about insurance direct marketing is that it has a very high response and conversion rate compared to alternative methods. The latest technological advancements have revamped the traditional mail tool. For instance, it is faster than ever.

Interesting: How Marketing Automation Can Help in Generating More Insurance Leads?

Here are a few tips to boost direct mail insurance leads and optimise your overall direct insurance marketing campaign:

insurance direct mail
insurance direct mail

1. Deliver Value Instead of Words

Delivering value instead of fluff messages is one of the most important things that you need to keep in mind to optimise your direct mail campaigns. You need to be different from the emails that your consumers receive daily. You need to put in actual deliverables and benefits that your product and service offers. Do not forget to mention how is it different from the rest. Make it attractive by highlighting all the discounts, offers, and freebies. You need to make it stand out from the competition and deliver some real value.

direct marketing
direct marketing

If you want to succeed with direct marketing campaigns, you need to figure out how to track the metrics and evaluate their performance. Tracking digital marketing campaigns is easier than direct ones. Everything is systematically carried out online. However, if you can find a viable way to track your customers’ response and evaluate the relevant metrics, it will be a game-changer for your business. You can use QR codes in the mail to direct customers to your website. Then, you can provide them with discount offers and other relevant messaging.

2. Design a Tracking Method

direct mail insurance leads
direct mail insurance leads

3. Refine Your Mailing List

The thing that separates direct mail marketing from the other marketing tools is its ability to generate quality leads. To generate quality leads, you need to refine and curate your mailing list. Design messages for prospective customers only.

Direct mail is different from email. Sending emails is free. Yet, it costs money to reach your target audience with direct marketing. Therefore, you need to prioritise the people on your list. Send marketing communications only to those who are highly likely to purchase. Creating an ideal buyer’s persona in your mind is essential. Only then you can generate high quality leads from this endeavour.

insurance direct mail marketing
insurance direct mail marketing


These were some of the essential strategies that you can implement while designing your direct marketing campaign to boost your direct mail insurance leads. Amura Marketing Technologies will help you succeed in the long-term. The company’s data-driven approach to growth marketing ensures that its marketing solutions work for your brand directly. Amura uses detailed insights and real-time analytics to generate leads to make your business win. Reach out to Amura for all your insurance marketing needs at