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How to series – Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Part 1 Campaign Planning

How to series – Create an Effective Digital Marketing Campaign | Part 1 Campaign Planning

Category: Digital Marketing

Author: Team Amura

Date Created: 22 Sep 2014


       You probably aren’t a stranger to the term ‘Digital Marketing’, but it’s hard to have a comprehensive  view on the subject unless you’re working with it. Digital Marketing, just to put it out there, is a collective  term for all the marketing activities carried out on the Internet and allied devices, and forms the basis of  most marketing campaigns today. It can be broken up into Social Marketing, Email Marketing, Paid  Marketing (PPC), SEO, and marketing for mobile and other devices.

 We at Amura strongly believe that Digital Marketing is becoming an indispensable part of a company’s  marketing strategy to be successful in today’s ‘digitizing’ market space. Many organizations have  already reaped the benefits of our services by using the unique digital marketing processes that we  have developed. They’ve been able to maximize their Return on Marketing Investments(ROMI),  enhance brand engagement among their Target Group(TG) and generate quality business leads.

 So how’s it done? Through a systematic process with a variety of steps.
 In this how-to series for digital marketing, we thought we’d outline the various steps – the first one  being ‘campaign planning’.

  Before we take on campaign execution, we plan what we need to communicate, who it is that we are  ‘talking’ to and the optimal medium we need to use to achieve the maximum result.
 And so we take into consideration the various insights from previous campaigns, analyze the target  group’s response to those campaigns, and then incorporate the learnings in planning the subsequent  campaigns. While this may be also done by other service providers, what makes our process  exceptional is the Big Data solution that we employ to help us gain extraordinary insights.

 Here’s the list of activities carried out in campaign planning:

 Campaign Goals/Targets

 We define what we are trying to achieve from each campaign, with targets that are measurable and  achievable. The targets are then broken down into short, medium and long-term goals.

 Campaign Messages

 It’s important to plan the key content and messages in advance, to ensure that you’re in compliance  with the client’s brand guidelines, brand identity and/or previous campaigns, and also ensuring that the  value proposition of the product is communicated effectively. The messaging is also kept in alliance  with the client’s other media campaigns (TV, Offline, etc.).

 Defining the Target Group

 The second stage in the campaign planning process is defining the target group and mapping their  online or digital behavior. This involves a study that addresses questions such as – Who are they?  Where do they hang out on the Internet? What newspapers/trade journals do they read online?

For any campaign to be successful, it is important to get a good understanding of the target group, and classify them based on characteristics like geography, demographics and psychographics.

Target Group of One(figuratively):

There are subsets within a target group that have their own unique characteristics and requirements. These can be addressed in a better manner on the Digital Media as you can tailor the messaging for each of the subset within the TG, effectively micro-targeting them. This has a positive effect on customer engagement and as a result, on sales.

If you can reach the right TG, you’ll get the right customers.

Identify the Value Proposition of the Product

With a plethora of competitive products available in the market, it is paramount to identify and zone in on the key value proposition of the product being marketed. It is essential to communicate to the TG the key benefits or solutions that they value and which our product is offering, to gain an edge over the competition.

Budgets and Expectations

It is important to allocate budget according to the type of campaign under consideration. For instance, allocate budgets for different online media. If the campaign is branding campaign, make sure you cover every channel in digital media and allocate budget accordingly.

Campaign Period

The campaign must run within a specific period, which should be calculated as per market demand, type of product, budget, and other parameters. A specified campaign period is important to hit the right customers at the right time. Ideally, the campaign period should not be greater than 3 months.

Competitor Study

A complete list of a client’s direct and indirect competitors is prepared and their digital marketing strategy is evaluated.
A promotional plan is then developed to ensure that our clients product offering stands out. The Internet being a diluted space with hundreds of competitors with similar offerings, it is necessary to capture consumer interest quickly, before the competitors.

Identify Sources/Channels

Considering the marketing objective, the TG and the competition, the digital channels that can be used are identified. The channels include:

Search Engine Marketing – Google, Bing, and Yahoo etc.
Social Media
Professional Networks
Partner and Affiliate Marketing
Mobile Advertising
Display Advertising
Email Marketing

Media/Campaign Scheduling

The campaigns are scheduled according to the client’s nurturing capacity, with optimal scheduling of budgets over the campaign period. The media strategy is planned in a way to result in the best possible market response.

Plan Review

The marketing plan is reviewed with the Digital Marketing Head. Peer reviews are also done for the campaign plans.

Approval on Plan

The marketing plan is presented to the client for their suggestions, feedback and also to ensure that the brand positioning in the campaign is spot on. The expected outcomes of the campaign, the campaign timelines, budget and media plan are also reviewed jointly with the client. The plan is then executed as per the approved parameters with regular feedback shared with the client regarding the campaign performance.




Stay tuned for the next topic on Campaign Design

Credits: Vinayak Katkar and Siddharth Bhakay

Contributions: Sonia PhadVaidehi MirashiRuturaj Mokashi and Jayanta Rudra

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